Release Day…
Outside of making up goofy songs for my kids, learning covers, and capturing ideas onto my iPhone, I had stopped creating music in any focused way for years. Family responsibilities had taken over and I was at peace with that. But last year, after my mom’s unexpected passing, I found myself writing new songs and finishing up old ones. After sharing demos with Marshall Bureau, Tavo Diez de Bonilla and J.J. Ipsen, we booked a couple of rehearsals followed by five days at Union Sound Company in Toronto with producer Chris Stringer. I love the tasteful touches that everyone brought as we played together. Later on, Chris added synth, guitar, lap steel and percussion while @Rebecca Hennessy added trumpet and Annelise Noronha and Kate Rogers sang harmonies. I’m super appreciative and proud of how it all turned out.
Happy release day to Octoberman album #6, There You Were. Now streaming everywhere, LP order link here.
Big thanks to all of the talented individuals involved in the makings (everyone mentioned above plus engineering by Darren McGill, Gavin Gardiner on the mastering & art layout by Jeffry Lee), family and friends for the encouragement, and anyone else who’s been a part of or supported this project over the years.
Dedicated to Morgan, E & I, and the memory of JoAnne Morrissette.

There You Were
Very excited to finally announce Octoberman’s sixth full-length album There You Were comes out on April 28th. Click here to pre-order the vinyl LP.
“Nearly a decade after 2014’s What More What More, Marc Morrissette’s Octoberman project returns with There You Were, an album written and recorded after the sudden death of Morrissette’s mother. Touching on themes of grief, post-apocalyptic dread, isolation, nostalgia and new beginnings, There You Were is an elegiac and urgent ode to resilience in the face of loss. With lush production courtesy of Chris Stringer (Bruce Cockburn, Great Lake Swimmers, The Weather Station), Morrissette (vocals, guitar, piano) is once again backed by Marshall Bureau (drums), Tavo Diez de Bonilla (bass) and J.J. Ipsen (keyboards, guitar). Further contributions come from Stringer (synths, guitar, percussion), Rebecca Hennessey (trumpet), Kate Rogers and Annelise Noronha (background vocals).”
Click here to see the video for the latest single Typical On & On. It’s a journey thru the past featuring decade old footage shot across Canada and Spain by myself, Ashley Bonar, and Marshall Bureau. It was edited by the talented Dustin Seabrook and features many friendly faces. Maybe you’re in it?!
And after many years off the road, we’re playing some shows:
May 11 Wolfe Island @ Hotel Wolfe Island w/ Annelise Noronha
May 26 Toronto, ON @ Dakota Tavern (early show)
May 27 Ottawa, ON @ Red Bird Live w/ Haley Wolk
July 20 Vancouver, BC @ The Lido w/ Bells Clanging
Hope to see you out there.

can’t rush time
happy valentine’s day again. happy to share that brand new song / video / love letter “can’t rush time” is comin’ out friday, february 24 and can be found here.
more news coming soon.

old songs, new songs
happy valentine’s day. hope everyone’s doing ok out there.
life slowed us down but we’re still finding and posting songs that never made it out there before. so check those platforms if you’re interested.
also getting ready to record again soon.
ps. hold your loved ones close as things can change way too quickly.

new site
thanks to scott da ros from https://endemikmusic.com/ for spiffying things up over here.